MHW2120BS, MHW2100BS, MHW2080BS
MHW2060BS, MHW2040BS
Revision History
Revised section (*1)
*1 Section(s) with asterisk (*) refer to the previous edition when those were deleted.
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This manual describes MHW2120BS, MHW2100BS, MHW2080BS,
MHW2060BS, MHW2040BS model of the MHW Series, 2.5-inch hard disk
drives. These drives have a built-in controller that is compatible with the Serial-
ATA interface.
This manual describes the specifications and functions of the drives and explains
in detail how to incorporate the drives into user systems. This manual assumes
that the reader has a basic knowledge of hard disk drives and their
implementations in computer systems.
This manual consists of seven chapters and sections explaining the special
terminology and abbreviations used in this manual:
Overview of Manual
This chapter gives an overview of the disk drive and describes their features.
CHAPTER 2 Device Configuration
Device Overview
This chapter describes the internal configurations of the disk drive and the
configuration of the systems in which they operate.
Installation Conditions
This chapter describes the external dimensions, installation conditions, and switch
settings of the disk drive.
This chapter describes the operation theory of the disk drive.
CHAPTER 5 Interface
This chapter describes the interface specifications of the disk drive.
CHAPTER 6 Operations
Theory of Device Operation
This chapter describes the operations of the disk drive.
The glossary describes the technical terms that need to be understood to read this
Acronyms and Abbreviations
This section gives the meanings of the definitions used in this manual.
Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show the alert messages. An alert
message consists of an alert signal and alert statements. The alert signal consists
of an alert symbol and a signal word or just a signal word.
The following are the alert signals and their meanings:
This indicates a hazardous situation could result in
minor or moderate personal injury if the user does
not perform the procedure correctly. This alert signal
also indicates that damages to the product or other
property may occur if the user does not perform the
procedure correctly.
This indicates information that could help the user
use the product more efficiently.
In the text, the alert signal is centered, followed below by the indented message.
A wider line space precedes and follows the alert message to show where the alert
message begins and ends. The following is an example:
Data corruption: Avoid mounting the disk drive near strong
magnetic sources such as loud speakers. Ensure that the disk drive
is not affected by external magnetic fields.
The main alert messages in the text are also listed in the “Important Alert Items.”
Operating Environment
This product is designed to be used in offices or computer rooms.
An MHW series device is sometimes simply referred to as a "hard disk drive,"
"HDD," "drive," or "device" in this document.
Decimal numbers are represented normally.
Hexadecimal numbers are represented as shown in the following examples:
X'17B9', 17B9h, 17B9H, or 17B9H.
Binary numbers are represented as shown in the following examples: 010 or 010b.
Serial-ATA may be referred to as "SATA".
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this manual.
To make this manual easier for users to understand, opinions from readers are
needed. Please write your opinions or requests on the Comment at the back of this
manual and forward it to the address described in the sheet.
Liability Exception
“Disk drive defects” refers to defects that involve adjustment, repair, or
Fujitsu is not liable for any other disk drive defects, such as those caused by user
misoperation or mishandling, inappropriate operating environments, defects in the
power supply or cable, problems of the host system, or other causes outside the
disk drive.
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Important Alert Items
Important Alert Messages
The important alert messages in this manual are as follows:
A hazardous situation could result in minor or moderate personal
injury if the user does not perform the procedure correctly. Also,
damage to the product or other property, may occur if the user does not
perform the procedure correctly.
Alert message
Normal Operation
Data corruption: Avoid mounting the disk near strong
magnetic sources such as loud speakers. Ensure that the disk
drive is not affected by external magnetic fields.
Damage: Do not press the cover of the disk drive. Pressing
it too hard, the cover and the spindle motor contact, which
may cause damage to the disk drive.
Static: When handling the device, disconnect the body
ground (500 kΩ or greater). Do not touch the printed circuit
board, but hold it by the edges.
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Manual Organization
MHW2120BS, MHW2100BS,
MHW2080BS, MHW2060BS,
• Device Overview
• Device Configuration
• Installation Conditions
• Theory of Device Operation
• Interface
• Operations
<This manual>
MHW2120BS, MHW2100BS,
MHW2080BS, MHW2060BS,
• Maintenance and Diagnosis
• Removal and Replacement Procedure
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CHAPTER 1 Device Overview ....................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Features .............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.1 Functions and performance ..................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 Adaptability............................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.3 Interface................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 Device Specifications......................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.1 Specifications summary .......................................................................... 1-4
1.2.2 Model and product number ..................................................................... 1-5
1.3 Power Requirements .......................................................................................... 1-6
1.4 Environmental Specifications............................................................................. 1-9
1.5 Acoustic Noise ................................................................................................. 1-10
1.6 Shock and Vibration......................................................................................... 1-10
1.7 Reliability......................................................................................................... 1-11
1.8 Error Rate......................................................................................................... 1-12
1.9 Media Defects .................................................................................................. 1-12
1.10 Load/Unload Function.................................................................................... 1-12
1.10.1 Recommended power-off sequence ................................................... 1-13
1.11 Advanced Power Management (APM) .......................................................... 1-13
1.12 Interface Power Management (IPM)............................................................. 1-15
1.12.1 Host-initiated interface power management (HIPM)......................... 1-15
1.12.2 Device-initiated interface power management (DIPM) ..................... 1-15
CHAPTER 2 Device Configuration................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Device Configuration ........................................................................................ 2-2
2.2 System Configuration........................................................................................2-3
2.2.1 SATA interface .....................................................................................2-3
2.2.2 Drive connection ...................................................................................2-3
CHAPTER 3 Installation Conditions..............................................................3-1
3.1 Dimensions........................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Mounting ...........................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Connections with Host System..........................................................................3-9
3.3.1 Device connector...................................................................................3-9
3.3.2 Signal segment and power supply segment.........................................3-10
3.3.3 Connector specifications for host system............................................3-10
3.3.4 SATA interface cable connection .......................................................3-11
3.3.5 Note about SATA interface cable connection.....................................3-11
CHAPTER 4 Theory of Device Operation......................................................4-1
4.1 Outline................................................................................................................4-2
4.2 Subassemblies.....................................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Disk .........................................................................................................4-2
4.2.2 Spindle.....................................................................................................4-2
4.2.3 Actuator...................................................................................................4-2
4.2.4 Air filter...................................................................................................4-3
4.3 Circuit Configuration..........................................................................................4-3
4.4 Power-on Sequence ............................................................................................4-6
4.5 Self-calibration ...................................................................................................4-8
4.5.1 Self-calibration contents..........................................................................4-8
4.5.2 Execution timing of self-calibration........................................................4-9
4.5.3 Command processing during self-calibration..........................................4-9
4.6 Read/write Circuit ............................................................................................4-10
4.6.1 Read/write preamplifier (PreAMP) .......................................................4-10
4.6.2 Write circuit...........................................................................................4-10
4.6.3 Read circuit............................................................................................4-11
4.6.4 Digital PLL circuit ................................................................................ 4-12
4.7 Servo Control ................................................................................................... 4-13
4.7.1 Servo control circuit.............................................................................. 4-13
4.7.2 Data-surface servo format ..................................................................... 4-15
4.7.3 Servo frame format................................................................................ 4-17
4.7.4 Actuator motor control.......................................................................... 4-18
4.7.5 Spindle motor control............................................................................ 4-19
CHAPTER 5 Interface..................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Physical Interface.............................................................................................. 5-2
5.1.1 Interface signals .................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.2 Signal interface regulation .................................................................... 5-4
5.1.3 Electrical specifications ........................................................................ 5-7
5.1.4 Connector pinouts............................................................................... 5-10
5.1.5 P11 function........................................................................................ 5-11
5.1.6 Hot Plug .............................................................................................. 5-13
5.2 Logical Interface ............................................................................................. 5-14
5.2.1 Communication layers ........................................................................ 5-15
5.2.2 Outline of the Shadow Block Register................................................ 5-16
5.2.3 Outline of the frame information structure (FIS)................................ 5-17
5.2.4 Shadow block registers ....................................................................... 5-24
5.3 Host Commands .............................................................................................. 5-29
5.3.1 Command code and parameters .......................................................... 5-29
5.3.2 Command descriptions........................................................................ 5-32
(1) RECALIBRATE (X’10’ to X’1F’) ............................................... 5-33
(2) READ SECTOR(S) (X’20’ or X’21’)......................................... 5-34
(3) WRITE SECTOR(S) (X’30’ or X’31’)........................................ 5-36
(4) WRITE VERIFY (X’3C’)............................................................ 5-38
(5) READ VERIFY SECTOR(S) (X’40’ or X’41’) .......................... 5-40
(6) SEEK (X’70’ to X’7F’)................................................................. 5-42
(7) EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC (X’90’)............................... 5-43
(8) INITIALIZE DEVICE PARAMETERS (X’91’).......................... 5-44
(9) DOWNLOAD MICROCODE (X’92’) ......................................... 5-45
(10) STANDBY IMMEDIATE (X’94’ or X’E0’)................................ 5-47
(11) IDLE IMMEDIATE (X’95’ or X’E1’) /UNLOAD
IMMEDIATE (X’95’ or X’E1’).................................................... 5-48
(12) STANDBY (X’96’ or X’E2’)........................................................ 5-50
(13) IDLE (X’97’ or X’E3’) ................................................................. 5-51
(14) CHECK POWER MODE (X’98’ or X’E5’) ................................. 5-53
(15) SLEEP (X’99’ or X’E6’).............................................................. 5-54
(16) SMART (X’B0’) ........................................................................... 5-55
(17) DEVICE CONFIGURATION (X'B1') .......................................... 5-85
(18) READ MULTIPLE (X’C4’).......................................................... 5-90
(19) WRITE MULTIPLE (X’C5’)........................................................ 5-93
(20) SET MULTIPLE MODE (X’C6’)................................................. 5-95
(21) READ DMA (X’C8’ or X’C9’)..................................................... 5-97
(22) WRITE DMA (X’CA’ or X’CB’) ................................................. 5-99
(23) READ BUFFER (X’E4’)............................................................. 5-101
(24) FLUSH CACHE (X’E7’) ........................................................... 5-102
(25) WRITE BUFFER (X’E8’)........................................................... 5-103
(26) IDENTIFY DEVICE (X’EC’)..................................................... 5-104
(27) IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA (X’EE’).......................................... 5-105
(28) SET FEATURES (X’EF’)........................................................... 5-119
(29) SECURITY SET PASSWORD (X’F1’) ..................................... 5-126
(30) SECURITY UNLOCK(X’F2’).................................................... 5-128
(31) SECURITY ERASE PREPARE (X’F3’).................................... 5-130
(32) SECURITY ERASE UNIT (X’F4’)............................................ 5-131
(33) SECURITY FREEZE LOCK (X’F5’)......................................... 5-132
(34) SECURITY DISABLE PASSWORD (X’F6’)............................ 5-134
(35) READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS (X’F8’)................................ 5-136
(36) SET MAX (X’F9’) ...................................................................... 5-137
(37) READ SECTOR (S) EXT (X’24’) .............................................. 5-143
(38) READ DMA EXT (X’25’).......................................................... 5-144
(39) READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS EXT (X’27’)....................... 5-145
(40) READ MULTIPLE EXT (X’29’)................................................ 5-146
(41) READ LOG EXT (X'2F') ............................................................ 5-147
(42) WRITE SECTOR (S) EXT (X’34’) ............................................ 5-153
(43) WRITE DMA EXT (X’35’) ........................................................ 5-154
(44) SET MAX ADDRESS EXT (X’37’)........................................... 5-155
(45) WRITE MULTIPLE EXT (X’39’).............................................. 5-157
(46) WRITE LOG EXT (X'3F') .......................................................... 5-158
(47) READ VERIFY SECTOR (S) EXT (X’42’).............................. 5-162
(48) FLUSH CACHE EXT (X’EA’) ................................................. 5-163
(49) WRITE MULTIPLE FUA EXT (X'CE')..................................... 5-164
(50) WRITE DMA FUA EXT (X'3D') ............................................... 5-165
(51) READ FP DMA QUEUED (X'60')............................................. 5-166
(52) WRITE FP DMA QUEUED (X'61') ........................................... 5-167
5.3.3 Error posting ..................................................................................... 5-168
5.4 Command Protocol........................................................................................ 5-170
5.4.1 Non-data command protocol............................................................. 5-170
5.4.2 PIO data-in command protocol......................................................... 5-172
5.4.3 PIO data-out command protocol....................................................... 5-173
5.4.4 DMA data-in command protocol ...................................................... 5-175
5.4.5 DMA data-out command protocol .................................................... 5-176
5.4.6 Native Command Queuing protocol ................................................. 5-177
5.5 Power-on and COMRESET .......................................................................... 5-180
CHAPTER 6 Operations................................................................................. 6-1
6.1 Reset and Diagnosis .......................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.1 Response to power-on........................................................................... 6-2
6.1.2 Response to COMRESET..................................................................... 6-4
6.1.3 Response to a software reset ................................................................. 6-7
6.2 Power Save........................................................................................................ 6-8
6.2.1 Power save mode .................................................................................. 6-8
6.2.2 Power commands................................................................................ 6-10
6.3 Power Save Controlled by Interface Power Management (IPM).................... 6-11
6.3.1 Power save mode of the interface ....................................................... 6-11
6.4 Read-ahead Cache........................................................................................... 6-13
6.4.1 Data buffer structure ........................................................................... 6-13
6.4.2 Caching operation ............................................................................... 6-14
6.4.3 Using the read segment buffer ............................................................ 6-16
6.5 Write Cache..................................................................................................... 6-20
6.5.1 Cache operation...................................................................................6-20
Glossary ...........................................................................................................GL-1
Acronyms and Abbreviations.........................................................................AB-1
Index ................................................................................................................. IN-1
Figure 1.1 Permissible range of +5V rise slope..................................................... 1-6
Figure 1.2 The example of negative voltage waveform at +5 V when
power is turned off ............................................................................... 1-7
Figure 1.3 Current fluctuation (Typ.) at +5 V when power is turned on............... 1-9
Figure 2.1 Disk drive outerview ............................................................................ 2-2
Figure 2.2 Drive system configuration .................................................................. 2-3
Figure 3.1 Dimensions........................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3.2 Mounting frame structure..................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3.3 Location of breather ............................................................................. 3-5
Figure 3.4 Surface cover temperature measurement points................................... 3-6
Figure 3.5 Service area .......................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3.6 Handling cautions................................................................................. 3-8
Figure 3.7 Connector locations.............................................................................. 3-9
Figure 3.8 Power supply pins (CN1) ................................................................... 3-10
Figure 4.1 Power supply configuration.................................................................. 4-4
Figure 4.2 Circuit configuration ............................................................................ 4-5
Figure 4.3 Power-on operation sequence............................................................... 4-7
Figure 4.4 Read/write circuit block diagram ....................................................... 4-10
Figure 4.5 Frequency characteristic of programmable filter................................ 4-11
Figure 4.6 Block diagram of servo control circuit............................................... 4-13
Figure 4.7 Physical sector servo configuration on disk surface........................... 4-16
Figure 4.8 Servo frame format............................................................................. 4-17
Figure 5.1 Interface signals.................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5.2 Example of the circuit for driving Ready LED .................................. 5-12
Figure 5.3 Conceptual diagram of communication layers................................... 5-14
Figure 5.4 Register - Host to Device FIS layout.................................................. 5-17
Figure 5.5 Register - Device to Host FIS layout.................................................. 5-18
Figure 5.6 DMA Active - Device to Host FIS layout.......................................... 5-18
Figure 5.7 DMA Setup - Device to Host or Host to Device FIS layout .............. 5-19
Figure 5.8 BIST Active - Bidirectional FIS layout.............................................. 5-20
Figure 5.9 Data FIS (Bidirectional) layout .......................................................... 5-21
Figure 5.10 PIO Setup - Device to Host FIS layout ............................................ 5-21
Figure 5.11 Set Device Bits FIS...........................................................................5-23
Figure 5.12 Execution example of READ MULTIPLE command......................5-91
Figure 5.13 Non-data command protocol ..........................................................5-171
Figure 5.14 PIO data-in command protocol.......................................................5-173
Figure 5.15 PIO data-out command protocol.....................................................5-174
Figure 5.16 DMA data-in command protocol....................................................5-175
Figure 5.17 DMA data-out command protocol..................................................5-176
Figure 5.18 READ FP DMA QUEUED command protocol .............................5-178
Figure 5.19 WRITE FP DMA QUEUED command protocol ...........................5-179
Figure 5.20 Power-on sequence.........................................................................5-180
Figure 5.21 COMRESET sequence ...................................................................5-181
Figure 6.1 Response to power-on (when the host is powered on earlier
than the device) ....................................................................................6-2
Figure 6.2 Response to power-on (when the device is powered on
earlier than the host).............................................................................6-3
Figure 6.3 Response to COMRESET ....................................................................6-4
Figure 6.4 Response to a software reset.................................................................6-7
Figure 6.5 Data buffer structure...........................................................................6-13
Table 1.1 Specifications ........................................................................................ 1-4
Table 1.2 Examples of model names and product numbers .................................. 1-5
Table 1.3 Current and power dissipation............................................................... 1-8
Table 1.4 Environmental specifications................................................................. 1-9
Table 1.5 Acoustic noise specification ................................................................ 1-10
Table 1.6 Shock and vibration specification........................................................ 1-10
Table 1.7 Advanced Power Management ............................................................ 1-14
Table 1.8 Interface power management............................................................... 1-16
Table 3.1 Surface temperature measurement points and standard values.............. 3-6
Table 3.2 The recommended connector specifications for the host
system.................................................................................................. 3-10
Table 5.1 Physical Layer Electrical Requirements................................................ 5-7
Table 5.2 Connector pinouts................................................................................ 5-10
Table 5.3 Requirements for P11 as an output pin................................................ 5-11
Table 5.4 Shadow Block Register........................................................................ 5-16
Table 5.5 BIST combinations .............................................................................. 5-20
Table 5.6 Command code and parameters........................................................... 5-29
Table 5.7 Diagnostic code ................................................................................... 5-43
Table 5.8 Operation of DOWNLOAD MICROCODE........................................ 5-45
Table 5.9 Example of rewriting procedure of data 512K Bytes
(80000h Bytes) of microcode............................................................. 5-46
Table 5.10 Features Field values (subcommands) and functions ........................ 5-56
Table 5.11 Format of device attribute value data ................................................ 5-60
Table 5.12 Format of guarantee failure threshold value data .............................. 5-60
Table 5.13 Off-line data collection status............................................................ 5-63
Table 5.14 Self-test execution status ................................................................... 5-63
Table 5.15 Off-line data collection capability ..................................................... 5-64
Table 5.16 Failure prediction capability flag....................................................... 5-64
Table 5.17 Drive error logging capability ........................................................... 5-64
Table 5.18 Log Directory Data Format................................................................ 5-65
Table 5.19 Data format of SMART Summary Error Log.................................... 5-66
Table 5.20 Data format of SMART Comprehensive Error Log .......................... 5-68
Table 5.21 SMART self-test log data format....................................................... 5-69
Table 5.22 Selective self-test log data structure .................................................. 5-70
Table 5.23 Selective self-test feature flags .......................................................... 5-71
Table 5.24 SCT command and the function ........................................................ 5-72
Table 5.25 Format of SCT STATUS Response................................................... 5-74
Table 5.26 SCT STATUS code ........................................................................... 5-76
Table 5.27 Action code........................................................................................5-78
Table 5.28 WRITE SAME...................................................................................5-78
Table 5.29 ERROR RECOVERY CONTROL....................................................5-79
Table 5.30 FEATURE CONTROL COMMAND................................................5-80
Table 5.31 SCT DATA TABLE ..........................................................................5-81
Table 5.32 HAD Temperature..............................................................................5-82
Table 5.33 DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY data structure .................5-88
Table 5.34 Information to be read by IDENTIFY DEVICE command .............5-106
Table 5.35 Features field values and settable modes .........................................5-119
Table 5.36 Write-Read-Verify feature sector counts .........................................5-125
Table 5.37 Contents of SECURITY SET PASSWORD data............................5-126
Table 5.38 Relationship between combination of Identifier and Security
level, and operation of the lock function ........................................5-126
Table 5.39 Contents of security password .........................................................5-134
Table 5.40 Data format of Read Log Ext log page 10h .....................................5-149
Table 5.41 Tag field information .......................................................................5-149
Table 5.42 Data format of Read Log Ext log page 11h .....................................5-150
Table 5.43 Counter Identifier information.........................................................5-150
Table 5.44 Command code and parameters .......................................................5-168
CHAPTER 1 Device Overview
Device Specifications
Power Requirements
Environmental Specifications
Acoustic Noise
Shock and Vibration
Error Rate
Media Defects
1.10 Load/Unload Function
1.11 Advanced Power Management (APM)
1.12 Interface Power Management (IPM)
Overview and features are described in this chapter, and specifications and power
requirement are described.
The disk drive is 2.5-inch hard disk drives with built-in disk controllers. These
disk drives use the SATA interface protocol which has a high-speed interface data
transfer rate.
Device Overview
1.1 Features
1.1.1 Functions and performance
The following features of the disk drive are described.
(1) Compact
The disk drive has up to 2 disks of 65 mm (2.5 inches) diameter, and its height is
9.5 mm (0.374 inch).
(2) Environmental Protection
The disk drive comply with the RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous
Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) directive issued by European
Union (EU).
(3) Large capacity
The disk drive can record up to 60 GB (formatted) on one disk using the RLL
recording method and 30 recording zone technology. The disk drive has a
formatted capacity of 120 GB (MHW2120BS), 100 GB (MHW2100BS), 80 GB
(MHW2080BS), 60 GB (MHW2060BS) and 40 GB (MHW2040BS) respectively.
(4) High-speed Transfer rate
The disk drive (the MHW2xxxBS Series) has an internal data rate up to
61.3 MB/s. The disk drive supports an external data rate 1.5Gbps (150MB/s)
(Serial-ATA Generation-1). And the disk drive realizes a high performance by
high-speed transfer rate combined with Native Command Queuing (NCQ).
(5) Average positioning time
Use of a rotary voice coil motor in the head positioning mechanism greatly
increases the positioning speed. The average positioning time is 12 ms (at read).
1.1.2 Adaptability
(1) Power save mode
The disk drive is ideal for applications since it supports the power save mode
function that works in each of the Idle, Standby, and Sleep modes and has the
Partial and Slumber interface power management functions. And automatically
power down by APM function makes the disk drive ideal for mobile use where
power consumption is a factor.
(2) Temperature range
The disk drive can be used temperature range (5 °C to 60°C at DE surface).
(For details of the reliability for each temperature range, refer to the Section 1.7,
1.1 Features
(3) Low noise and vibration
In Ready status (while the device is waiting for any commands), the Sound Power
level of the disk drives in idle mode is 2.0B [MHW2040BS, MHW2060BS] / 2.4B
[MHW2080BS, MHW2100BS, MHW2120BS]. The Sound Pressure level is
22dB [MHW2040BS, MHW2060BS] / 28dB [MHW2080BS, MHW2100BS,
MHW2120BS], as measured 0.3 m from the drive in Idle mode.
(4) High resistance against shock
The Load/Unload mechanism is highly resistant against non-operation shock up to
8820 m/s2 (900G).
1.1.3 Interface
(1) Connection to SATA interface
The disk drive has built-in controllers compatible with the SATA interface.
(2) Data buffer
The disk drive uses 8MB data buffer to transfer data between the host and the disk
In combination with the read-ahead cache system described in item (3) and the
write cache described in item (6), the buffer contributes to efficient I/O processing.
(3) Read-ahead cache system
After the execution of a disk read command, the disk drive automatically reads the
subsequent data block and writes it to the data buffer (read ahead operation). This
cache system enables fast data access. The next disk read command would normally
cause another disk access. But, if the read ahead data corresponds to the data
requested by the next read command, the data in the buffer can be transferred instead.
(4) Error correction and retry by ECC
If a recoverable error occurs, the disk drive itself attempts error recovery. The
ECC has improved buffer error correction for correctable data errors.
(5) Self-diagnosis
The disk drive has a diagnostic function to check operation of the controller and disk
drive. Executing a diagnostic function of the smart command invokes self-diagnosis.
(6) Write cache
When the disk drive receives a write command, the disk drive posts the command
completion at completion of transferring data to the data buffer completion of
writing to the disk media. This feature reduces the access time at writing.
Device Overview
1.2 Device Specifications
1.2.1 Specifications summary
Table 1.1 shows the specifications of the disk drives.
Table 1.1 Specifications (1/2)
Format Capacity (*1, *2)
Number of Sectors (User)
Bytes per Sector
120 GB
100 GB
80 GB
60 GB
40 GB
234,441,648 195,371,568 156,301,488 117,210,240 78,140,160
512 bytes
5,400 rpm 1%
5.56 ms
Rotational Speed
Average Latency
Positioning time (read and seek)
1.5 ms (typ.)
Read: 12 ms (typ.)
22 ms (typ.)
Minimum (Track-Track)
Maximum (Full)
Start time
4.0 sec (typ.)
Compliant with ATA/ATAPI-8, SATA I High Speed Serialized AT
Attachment 1.0a, SATA II Ext to SATA1.0a,
SATA II Electrical Spec.1.0
Data Transfer Rate (*2)
61.3MB/s Max.
To/From Media
To/From Host
1.5 Gbps (150 MB/s)
Data Buffer Size (*3)
8 MB (8,388,608 bytes)
Physical Dimensions
9.5 mm × 100.0 mm × 70.0 mm (*4)
(Height × Width × Depth)
101 g (Max.)
*1: Capacity under the LBA mode.
*2: 1 GB is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes and 1 MB is equal to 1,000,000 bytes.
*3: 1 MB is equal to 1,048,576 bytes.
*4: The value of Depth (=100.0 mm) does not include PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly).
For details, see Section 3.1.
Table 1.1 lists the formatted capacity, number of logical cylinders, number of
heads, and number of sectors of every model for which the CHS mode has been
selected using the BIOS setup utility on the host.
1.2 Device Specifications
Table 1.1 Specifications (2/2)
No. of Cylinder
No. of Heads
No. of Sectors
8.45 GB
8.45 GB
8.45 GB
8.45 GB
8.45 GB
1.2.2 Model and product number
Table 1.2 lists the model names and product numbers of the disk drive.
The model name does not necessarily correspond to the product number as listed
in Table 1.2 since some models have been customized and have specifications that
are different from those for the standard model.
If a disk drive is ordered as a replacement drive, the product number must be the
same as that of the drive being replaced.
Table 1.2 Examples of model names and product numbers
Model Name
Mounting screw
Order No.
(user area)
120 GB
100 GB
80 GB
M3 Depth 3
M3 Depth 3
M3 Depth 3
M3 Depth 3
M3 Depth 3
60 GB
40 GB
Device Overview
1.3 Power Requirements
(1) Input Voltage
+ 5 V
5 %
It is unnecessary for this drive to supply +3.3 V and +12 V power supplies.
(2) Ripple
+5 V
100 mV (peak to peak)
DC to 1 MHz
(3) Slope of an input voltage at rise
The following figure shows the restriction of the slope which is +5 V input voltage
at rise. The permissible range of +5 V slope is from 1V/20 µsec to 1V/20 msec,
under the voltage range is between 2.0V and 4.5V.
Figure 1.1 Permissible range of +5V rise slope
1.3 Power Requirements
(4) A negative voltage like the bottom figure isn't to occur at +5 V when power is turned off
and, a thing with no ringing.
Permissible level: − 0.2 V
Time [ms]
Figure 1.2 The example of negative voltage waveform at +5 V
when power is turned off
Device Overview
(5) Current Requirements and Power Dissipation
Table 1.3 lists the current and power dissipation (typical).
Table 1.3 Current and power dissipation
Typical RMS Current
Typical Power (*3)
Spin up (*1)
Idle (*6)
1.0 A
120 mA
380 mA
420 mA
26 mA
26 mA
5.0 W
0.60 W
1.9 W
R/W (on track) (*2)
Seek (*5)
2.1 W
Standby (*6)
Sleep (*6)
0.13 W
0.13 W
Efficiency (*4)
0.0050 W/GB (rank E / MHW2120BS)
0.0060 W/GB (rank E / MHW2100BS)
0.0075 W/GB (rank E / MHW2080BS)
0.0100 W/GB (rank D / MHW2060BS)
0.0150 W/GB (rank D / MHW2040BS)
Maximum current and power at starting spindle motor.
Current and power level when the operation (command) that accompanies a
transfer of 63 sectors is executed 3 times in 100 ms
Power requirements reflect typical values for +5 V power.
Energy efficiency based on the Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy
indicates the value obtained by dividing power consumption by the storage
capacity. (Japan only)
The seek average current is specified based on three operations per 100
IPM mode: Slumber mode.
1.4 Environmental Specifications
(6) Current fluctuation (Typ.) at +5 V when power is turned on
Figure 1.3 Current fluctuation (Typ.) at +5 V when power is turned on
1.4 Environmental Specifications
Table 1.4 lists the environmental specifications.
Table 1.4 Environmental specifications
• Operating
5 °C to 55 °C (ambient)
5 °C to 60 °C (disk enclosure surface)
–40 °C to 65 °C
• Non-operating
• Thermal Gradient
20 °C/h or less
• Operating
• Non-operating
• Maximum Wet Bulb
8 % to 90 % RH (Non-condensing)
5 % to 95 % RH (Non-condensing)
29 °C (Operating)
40 °C (Non-operating)
Altitude (relative to sea level)
• Operating
• Non-operating
–300 to 3,000 m
–300 to 12,000 m
Device Overview
1.5 Acoustic Noise
Table 1.5 lists the acoustic noise specification.
Table 1.5 Acoustic noise specification
• Idle mode (DRIVE READY)
Sound Power
2.0B [MHW2060BS / MHW2040BS]
2.4B [MHW2120BS / MHW2100BS / MHW2080BS]
Sound Pressure (at 0.3m)
22dB [MHW2060BS / MHW2040BS]
28dB [MHW2120BS / MHW2100BS / MHW2080BS]
Measure the noise from the cover top surface.
1.6 Shock and Vibration
Table 1.6 lists the shock and vibration specification.
Table 1.6 Shock and vibration specification
Vibration (Swept sine, 1/4 octave per minute)
• Operating
5 to 500 Hz, 9.8m/s2 0-peak (1G 0-peak)
(without non-recovered errors)
5 to 500 Hz, 49m/s2 0-peak (5G 0-peak)
(no damage)
Shock (half-sine pulse)
• Operating
2940 m/s2 0-peak (300G 0-peak)
2ms duration
(without non-recovered errors)
• Non-operating
8820 m/s2 0-peak (900G 0-peak)
1ms duration
1176 m/s2 0-peak (120G 0-peak)
11ms duration
(no damage)
1.7 Reliability
1.7 Reliability
(1) Mean time between failures (MTBF)
Conditions of 500,000 h Power-on time 24H/day or less
Operating time 50 % or less of power-on time
5 to 45 °C (DE surface)
8 to 90 % (ambient)
But humidity bulb temperature
29 °C or less
Conditions of 300,000 h Power-on time 24H/day or less
Operating time 50 % or less of power-on time
5 to 60 °C (DE surface)
8 to 90 % (ambient)
But humidity bulb temperature
29 °C or less
MTBF is defined as follows:
Total operation time in all fields
number of device failure in all fields (*1)
*1 “Disk drive defects” refers to defects that involve repair, readjustment, or
replacement. Disk drive defects do not include failures caused by external
factors, such as damage caused by handling, inappropriate operating
environments, defects in the power supply host system, or interface cable.
(2) Mean time to repair (MTTR)
The mean time to repair (MTTR) is 30 minutes or less, if repaired by a specialist
maintenance staff member.
(3) Service life
In situations where management and handling are correct, the disk drives requires
no overhaul for five years or 30,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first,
when the DE surface temperature is less than 45°C. When the DE surface
temperature exceeds 45°C, the disk drives requires no overhaul for five years or
20,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first.
Refer to item (3) in Subsection 3.2 for the measurement point of the DE surface
temperature. The operating conditions of Service life are based on the equal
conditions with MTBF.
(4) Data assurance in the event of power failure
Except for the data block being written to, the data on the disk media is assured in
the event of any power supply abnormalities. This does not include power supply
abnormalities during disk media initialization (formatting) or processing of
defects (alternative block assignment).
Device Overview
1.8 Error Rate
Known defects, for which alternative blocks can be assigned, are not included in
the error rate count below. It is assumed that the data blocks to be accessed are
evenly distributed on the disk media.
(1) Unrecoverable read error
Read errors that cannot be recovered by maximum read retries of drive without
user’s retry and ECC corrections shall occur no more than 1 time when reading
data of 1014 bits. Read retries are executed according to the disk drive’s error
recovery procedure, and include read retries accompanying head offset operations.
(2) Positioning error
Positioning (seek) errors that can be recovered by one retry shall occur no more
than 10 times in 107 seek operations.
1.9 Media Defects
Defective sectors are replaced with alternates when the disk drive is formatted
prior to shipment from the factory (low level format). Thus, the hosts see a defect-
free device.
Alternate sectors are automatically accessed by the disk drive. The user need not
be concerned with access to alternate sectors.
1.10 Load/Unload Function
The Load/Unload function is a mechanism that loads the head on the disk and
unloads the head from the disk.
The product supports a minimum of 600,000 Load/Unload cycles.
Unload is a normal head unloading operation and the commands listed below are
STANDBY command issued
STANDBY IMMEDIATE command issued
SLEEP command issued
IDLE IMMEDIATE command (with unload feature) issued
Power Mode shifted with APM or APS feature.
SLUMBER signal transferred
(PMREQ_S signal is transferred from the host or the drive, and the host
responds with PMACK signal.)
1.11 Advanced Power Management (APM)
Emergency Unload other than Unload is performed when the power is shut down
while the heads are still loaded on the disk.
The product supports the Emergency Unload a minimum of 20,000 times.
When the power is shut down, the controlled Unload cannot be executed.
Therefore, the number of Emergency other than Unload is specified.
1.10.1 Recommended power-off sequence
We recommend cutting the power supply of the HDD for this device after the
Head Unload operation completes. The recommended power supply cutting
sequence for this device is as follows:
1) Disk Flush
Flush Cache command execution.
2) Head Unload
Standby Immediate command execution.
3) Wait Status
Checking whether bit 7 of the status register was set to '0'.
(wait to complete STANDBY IMMEDIATE command)
4) HDD power supply cutting
1.11 Advanced Power Management (APM)
The disk drive automatically shifts to the power saving mode according to the
setting of the APM mode under the idle condition.
The APM mode can be chosen with a Sector Count register of the SET
FEATURES (EF) command.
The disk drive complies with the three kinds of APM modes that a command from
the host is required.
FR = 05h : Enable APM
SC = C0h - FEh :
SC = 80h - BFh :
SC = 01h - 7Fh :
Mode-0 Active Idle → Low Power Idle
Mode-1 Active Idle → Low Power Idle (Default)
Mode-2 Active Idle → Low Power Idle
FR = 85h : Disable APM (Set Mode-0)
Active Idle:
The head is in a position of extreme inner in disk
medium. (VCM Lock)
Device Overview
Low Power Idle:
The head is unloaded from disk.
The spindle motor rotates.
The spindle motor stops.
In APM Mode-1, which is the APM default mode, the operation status shifts till it
finally reaches "Low Power Idle."
Table 1.7 Advanced Power Management
Active Idle
(VCM Lock)
Low Power Idle
(Spin Off)
APM Mode
3-4 sec
3-4 sec
3-4 sec
15 min.
10-40 sec
10-40 sec
When the maximum time that the HDD is waiting for commands has been
Mode-0: Mode shifts from Active condition to Active Idle in 3-4 seconds, and to
Low Power Idle in 15 minutes.
Mode-1: Mode shifts from Active condition to Active Idle in 3-4 seconds and to
Low Power Idle in 10-40 seconds.
Mode-2: Mode shifts from Active condition to Active Idle in 3-4 seconds and to
Low Power Idle in 10-40 seconds.
The default values of these settings are reflected in the WORD 91 values of the
IDENTIFY DEVICE command. Also, the APM mode is initialized to Mode-1
(default value) at power-off.
The above mentioned is time until shifting to each power mode based on point that
the drive becomes a command waiting state.
1.12 Interface Power Management (IPM)
1.12 Interface Power Management (IPM)
1.12.1 Host-initiated interface power management (HIPM)
When the disk drive is waiting for commands, it can enter one of three IPM modes
as requested by the host. The three IPM modes are:
1) Partial mode: PMREQ_P is sent when the host requests the Partial mode.
2) Slumber mode: PMREQ_S is sent when the host requests the Slumber mode.
3) Active mode: When the serial ATA interface is in active state.
There are three interface (I/F) power states: Active, Partial, and Slumber. As
requested by the host, the disk drive switches its I/F power state from the Active
state to the Partial state, or from the Active state to the Slumber state.
1.12.2 Device-initiated interface power management (DIPM)
If this function is enabled by Set Features command, the disk drive shifts to two
kinds of IPM modes automatically under the Idle condition.
1) Partial mode: PMREQ_P is sent when the disk drive requests the Partial
2) Slumber mode: PMREQ_S is sent when the disk drive requests the Slumber
I/F power states
1) Active state
The SATA interface is active, and data can be sent and received.
2) Partial state
The SATA interface is in the Power Down state. In this state, the interface is
switched to the Partial state when a PMREQ_P signal is received from or sent
to host. Because the return time to the Active state from the Partial state is
specified as within 10 µs, the degree of the I/F Power Save mode is shallow
so that this recovery time is satisfied.
3) Slumber state
The SATA interface is in the Power Down state. In this state, the interface is
switched to the Slumber state when a PMREQ_S signal is received from or
sent to host. Because the return time to the Active state from the Slumber
state is specified as within 10 ms, the degree of the I/F Power Save mode is
deep so that this recovery time is satisfied.
Device Overview
Table 1.8 Interface power management
IPM Mode
I/F power state
Active State
Partial State
Return time to active
I/F condition
Power Down
Power Down
5 to 10 µs maximum
5 to 10 ms maximum
Slumber State
CHAPTER 2 Device Configuration
Device Configuration
System Configuration
This chapter describes the internal configurations of the hard disk drives and the
configuration of the systems in which they operate.
Device Configuration
2.1 Device Configuration
Figure 2.1 shows the disk drive. The disk drive consists of a disk enclosure (DE),
read/write preamplifier, and controller PCA. The disk enclosure contains the disk
media, heads, spindle motor, actuator, and a circulating air filter.
Figure 2.1 Disk drive outerview
(1) Disk
The outer diameter of the disk is 65 mm. The inner diameter is 20 mm.
(2) Head
The heads are of the load/unload (L/UL) type. The head unloads the disk out of
while the disk is not rotating and loads on the disk when the disk starts.
(3) Spindle motor
The disks are rotated by a direct drive Sensor-less DC motor.
(4) Actuator
The actuator uses a revolving voice coil motor (VCM) structure which consumes
low power and generates very little heat. The head assembly at the edge of the
actuator arm is controlled and positioned by feedback of the servo information
read by the read/write head. If the power is not on or if the spindle motor is
stopped, the head assembly stays on the ramp out of the disk and is fixed by a
mechanical lock.
(5) Air circulation system
The disk enclosure (DE) is sealed to prevent dust and dirt from entering. The
disk enclosure features a closed loop air circulation system that relies on the
blower effect of the rotating disk. This system continuously circulates the air
through the circulation filter to maintain the cleanliness of the air within the disk
2.2 System Configuration
(6) Read/write circuit
The read/write circuit uses a LSI chip for the read/write preamplifier. It improves
data reliability by preventing errors caused by external noise.
(7) Controller circuit
The controller circuit supports Serial-ATA interface, and it realized a high
performance by integration into LSI.
2.2 System Configuration
2.2.1 SATA interface
Figure 2.2 shows the SATA interface system configuration. The disk drive
complies with ATA/ATAPI-8, SATA I High Speed Serialized AT Attachment
1.0a, SATA II Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0a and SATA II Electrical Spec 1.0.
2.2.2 Drive connection
Operating System
Application 1
Disk Drive
Disk Drive
Application 2
Application 3
Figure 2.2 Drive system configuration
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CHAPTER 3 Installation Conditions
Connections with Host System
This chapter gives the external dimensions, installation conditions, surface
temperature conditions, cable connections, and switch settings of the hard disk
Installation Conditions
3.1 Dimensions
Figure 3.1 illustrates the dimensions of the disk drive. All dimensions are in mm.
The PCA and connectors are not included in these dimensions.
Dimension from the center of the user tap to the base of the connector pins
Length of the connector pins
Dimension from the outer edge of the user tap to the center of the connector
Dimension from the outer edge of the user tap to the innermost edge of the
connector pins
Figure 3.1 Dimensions
3.2 Mounting
3.2 Mounting
For information on mounting, see the "FUJITSU 2.5-INCH HDD INTEGRATION
GUIDANCE (C141-E144)."
(1) Orientation
(2) Frame
The disk drives can be mounted in any direction.
The MR head bias of the HDD disk enclosure (DE) is zero. The mounting frame
is connected to Signal Ground (SG).
Use M3 screw for the mounting screw and the screw length should
satisfy the specification in Figure 3.2.
The tightening torque must be 0.49N•m (5kgf•cm).
When attaching the HDD to the system frame, do not allow the
system frame to touch parts (cover and base) other than parts to
which the HDD is attached.
Installation Conditions
(3) Limitation of mounting
Note) These dimensions are recommended values; if it is not possible to satisfy
them, contact us.
Side surface
Bottom surface mounting
Frame of system
Frame of system
3.0 or less
Details of A
3.0 or less
Figure 3.2 Mounting frame structure